Saturday, July 22, 2006

Rome was glorious. Vaguely morbid, and still satisfyingly Roman and Imperial. Hadrian's imprint is huge (but only because Nero burnt everything down) and the Rough guides are bizarre. Also, there is little more fun than correcting guidebooks.
Ended up in a pensione discussing room changes! And developed embarrassing tendency to make Forster references.
Would also like to say that Horace's probable grave is marked (or was several days ago) and should be remembered. Augustus' mausoleum is lovely. Ringleader of the Tormentors is still in my head, and those strange ambulance sirens create an odd sort of tinnitus.
Have also found several icons, most prominent of whom is:
Joseph Severn, Keats' lovely friend who was a Romantic without being a poet, spent the last sixty/seventy odd years of his life still rather in love with Keats and painting steadily more romanticised portraits. His letters are really sweet.

Sabine Shirdewen- fabulously pretentious German artist from the nineteen sixties

Andreu Alfaro- sculptor of the fabulous "small black thing which is a personification of the spirit of Goethe" (not actually called that). If anyone has a badge making kit we will have a badge of this soon.

Now, I must find a kettle.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I have a boater! Finally. And mothers should not go on pub crawls.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I feel we need some new icons. Therefore I suggest:
Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, because he is so wonderful, I adore him and his thoughts on the nature of free will are those which everyone has thought at some stage, often when in certain lessons, or in certain wardrobes...

Sean Connery in the late nineteen seventies/ early-mid nineteen eighties (the period which includes "Robin and Marian" "Time Bandits" "The Man Who Would be King" and "Highlander"). Not actually as an icon, because he doesn't embody the subculture enough. Just as officially recognised as really cool, since in one of those films a nun says "I love you more than God" to him.

The Sheriff of Nottingham. (Yes, I know everyone will reject this one). He's really sweet and lovely...

And Chauvelin, for the lurking in opera boxes wearing black. Something to which everyone should aspire really.

And yes, we are allowed fictional hermits, since Arthur Dent is fictional. (As Saint Kevin may well be).

Finally, History needs more bicycles. I am launching a campaign to a) build a time machine and b) send bicycles back to important moments in history, possibly persuading participants that they are a great secret weapon and therefore making them all bicycle. But, since I cannot do Maths, or Physics, and am afraid of time travel, I will need help.

That will be all for now.